Unusable Plant Protection Products are products that may NOT be used (anymore). Reasons for non-use include the rescinding of its approval for use, expiry of the valid usage period, an illegible or missing label, its physicochemical state is bad, the expiry date has lapsed or the product is obsoleted. The above applies even when the crop that the product is intended for is no longer listed in the cultivation plan. Materials used to absorb spilt residues of plant protection products may also be included in the NUPPP fraction.

Every two years – on odd years – you can return NUPPP for free. Until then, you should store these apart in the spray room. You must return these earlier if you have very old products where its possession is prohibited and you are required to do so during a self-check or inspection by a competent authority. In this case, request a quote for a collection outside the campaign period via e-mail.

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The right procedure:


Check NUPPP status

Check whether your product is an NUPPP on the Fytoweb. website


Separation and labeling

In your plant protection product storage space, make sure you keep NUPPP noticeably separate from other products and label them with ‘Next NUPPP AgriRecover collection’.


Anonymous submission

The certificate states that NUPPP was handed inwithout a description of the product or its quantity.


Risk reduction

You are less likely to be penalised during an official inspection if you have handed in products that may no longerbe used or you will no longer use.


Previous warnings

Have you received a warning or ticket in the previous two years from the FASFC or

Environmental inspection? Then take it with you. AgriRecover will list the reference on your certificate, confirm your submission to the inspection department and provide you with a copy of the certificate.


FASFC circular

You can view the FASFC circular here.

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Recycle Process

Curious how your recycled packaging contributes to a more sustainable world? Discover the entire recycling process and the role of AgriRecover in efficiently processing agrochemical waste. Learn how we sort and collect rinsed and non-rinsable packaging and how we recycle rinsed packaging into new products, and how we collaborate with partners to promote a circular economy.


For more than 25 years, AgriRecover has coordinated the collection of empty agrochemical packaging and used plant protection products from all professional users.

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Belgium has more than 35,000 farms. We collaborate with the farmers on sustainable agriculture efficiently collecting agrochemical packaging.



AgriRecover has more than 60 members. Our goal is the optimal processing of packaging waste jointly with all manufacturers of plant protection products, fertilisers, biocides, biostimulants and seeds.



AgriRecover can count on our collaboration with some 150 collection points for the collection of agrochemical packaging.